2005年,西班牙建筑大师弗兰·西尔维斯特(Fran Silvestre)在瓦伦西亚建立了他的室内设计工作室和建筑公司——弗兰·西尔维斯特建筑事务所。该事务所以其简洁的线条和精致而简约的风格迅速赢得国际声誉。这本专著介绍了弗兰·西尔维斯特的杰出项目,展示了他高效之美的理念。在寻求建筑连续性和创造理想居住地的驱动下,西尔维斯特尤其关注他的建筑在自然环境中的凝聚力,旨在赞美周围环境,而不是剥夺它们。从西班牙瓦伦西亚和阿利坎特的阳光海岸到巴西和哥伦比亚的青翠山坡,再到洛杉矶和中国,这些引人注目的项目说明了西尔维斯特构思建筑的方法,即抓住空气,在水上行走。这本新书由**专家Philip Jodidio撰写,内容丰富,将激励读者以新的方式来看待建筑。
In 2005, Fran Silvestre founded his Valencia-based interior design studio and architecture firm, Fran Silvestre Arquitectos. With its clean lines and minimalist yet sophisticated style, the practice rapidly attracted international renown. This monograph presents Fran Silvestre s finest projects that display his ethos of efficient beauty. Driven by the search for architectural continuity and the aim to create ideal places to live in, Silvestre pays special attention to the cohesion of his buildings within their natural environment the volumes celebrate their surroundings rather than take away from them. From the sunny shores of Valencia and Alicante in Spain to the verdant hillsides of Brazil and Colombia to Los Angeles and China, the striking projects illustrate Silvestre s approach of conceiving architecture that holds onto air and walks on water. Complete with an informative text written by leading expert Philip Jodidio, this new title will inspire readers to see architecture in a new way.