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【Famous First Edition】Marvel Comics Library. Avengers. Vol. 1. 1963–1965,漫威漫画图书馆 复仇者联盟 卷1 1963–1965
ISBN条码: 9783836582346
ISBN: 9783836582346
Publisher出版社: TASCHEN
Language版别: 英文版English
Category分类: 英文漫画
Authors作者: Kurt Busiek, Kevin Feige, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby
Pub Date出版日期: 2022-05-10 00:00:00
Binding装帧: 精装
Pages页数: 630
Size商品尺寸: 28 x 39.5 cm





精装,28 x 39.5厘米,4.44公斤,630页



到1963年初,漫威时代的基础已经奠定。继1961年推出神奇四侠之后,又出现了神奇的(蜘蛛侠)、惊人的(蚁人)、奇怪的(博士)、不可思议的(绿巨人)、无敌的(钢铁侠)和强大的(雷神托尔)。尽管如此,漫威主编斯坦·李(Stan Lee)还是意识到缺少了一些东西。他回忆说:“我当时写这些角色的时候,我觉得把他们组合成一个团队会很有趣。”于是,李和艺术家杰克·科比(Jack Kirby)将钢铁侠、蚁人、黄蜂女、雷神和绿巨人集合起来,创建了复仇者联盟。


重温《复仇者联盟》第1-20集的经典早期冒险故事,这本XXL版比绿巨人的拳头还大,比雷神的锤子还重,比钢铁侠的盔甲还多。 TASCHEN试图创造出这些书在出版时的理想表现。在与漫威公司和认证担保公司的紧密合作下,拍摄复制了**手的漫画原稿。每一页都是按照半个多世纪前的印刷品拍摄的,然后使用现代修饰技术进行数字修复,以纠正那个时代廉价、不完美的印刷问题,让它们就像从1960年代的高级印刷机上烫出来的一样。

伴随着这些故事的是漫威影业总裁凯文·费奇(Kevin Feige)的原创前言和艾斯纳奖获奖作家库尔特·布西克(Kurt Busiek)的深度历史,其中有原始艺术、罕见的照片和文件。这个关于世上最强英雄组合的强大集合值得纳入托尼·斯塔克的图书馆,以及你的图书馆。



库尔特·布西克(Kurt Busiek)自1982年以来一直在写漫画书。他为漫威写过几个系列,包括《复仇者联盟》,并因其在四期迷你系列《漫威惊世奇人》中的工作而赢得赞誉。1995年,他以《太空城市》系列推出了自己的超级英雄多元宇宙。


凯文·费奇(Kevin Feige),漫威影业总裁和漫威首席创意官,一直是漫威电影宇宙背后的驱动力。他是一位亲力亲为的制片人,负责漫威电影宇宙中共23部相互关联的故事片。


斯坦·李(Stan Lee,1922-2018)为数百万人所知,他的超级英雄将漫威推到了漫画行业的**地位。他共同创作的作品包括《蜘蛛侠》、《不可思议的绿巨人》、《X战警》、《神奇四侠》、《钢铁侠》以及其他数百部作品。在担任漫威公司名誉主席期间,他还担任了POW!娱乐公司的首席创意官。在那里,他创造了许多新的角色和故事,涉及出版、电影、电视真人秀、舞台、纪录片和多媒体等领域。

杰克·科比(Jack Kirby,1917-1994)是漫画界最富传奇色彩和多产的艺术家之一,他出名的共同创作作品包括《美国队长》、《复仇者联盟》、《X战警》、《不可思议的绿巨人》、《蚁人》、《神盾局》和《雷神》。

漫威漫画图书馆:复仇者联盟 卷一 1963-1965



精装,28 x 39.5厘米,4.44公斤,630页

ISBN 978-3-8365-8234-6



Super-hero teams had been around since the 1940s, but Thor, Ant Man, the Wasp, Hulk, and Iron Man broke new ground when they joined forces to form the Avengers in 1963. They not only fought together, they occasionally fought each other! The first 20 stories from the Avengers are collected in this Hulk-sized volume and have been meticulously photographed from the most pristine copies of these rare comic books—a fine art celebration worthy of Tony Stark's library.

Also available in a Collector's Edition of 1,000 numbered copies

Famous First Edition: First printing of 5,000 numbered copies

Hardcover, 28 x 39.5 cm, 4.44 kg, 630 pages

Earth's Mightiest Heroes

Assembling the definitive Marvel Age Avengers anthology

By early 1963 the foundations of the Marvel Age had been laid. Following the introduction of the Fantastic Four in 1961 came the amazing (Spider-Man), the astonishing (Ant-Man), the strange (Doctor, that is), the incredible (Hulk), the invincible (Iron Man) and the mighty (Thor). Still, Marvel editor in chief Stan Lee realized something was missing. “I was writing these characters and I thought it would fun to put them together in a team,” he recalled. So Lee and artist Jack Kirby assembled Iron Man, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor, and the Hulk to create the Avengers.

Right away it was clear this team was different. If the Fantastic Four were family, then the Avengers were the co-workers you didn't choose. Not everyone got along—the Hulk fought with everyone—but working together they could defeat the baddest of Marvel's bad guys, like Loki, Kang the Conqueror, the Masters of Evil, and Immortus. The lineup was ever changing: The Hulk departed, Captain America joined, and Ant-Man grew up to become Giant-Man. Then, remarkably, villains Hawkeye, Quicksilver, and the Scarlet Witch became heroes—and Avengers—and the group's founding members shockingly departed, leaving Captain America to lead the newly-minted heroes.

Relive the classic early adventures of Avengers Nos. 1–20 in an XXL-sized edition that's bigger than the Hulk's fist, weightier than Thor's hammer, and with more extras than Iron Man's armor. TASCHEN has attempted to create an ideal representation of these books as they were produced at the time of publication. The most pristine pedigreed comics have been cracked open and photographed for reproduction in close collaboration with Marvel and the Certified Guaranty Company. Each page has been photographed as printed more than half a century ago, then digitally remastered using modern retouching techniques to correct problems with the era's inexpensive, imperfect printing—as if hot off of a world-class 1960s printing press.

Accompanying the stories are an original foreword by Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and an in-depth history by the Eisner Award-winning writer Kurt Busiek that's illustrated with original art, little-seen photographs, and rare documents. This mighty collection about Earth's Mightiest Heroes is worthy of Tony Stark's library—or yours.

Famous First Edition: First printing of 5,000 numbered copies. Also available in a Collector's Edition of 1,000 numbered copies.

The author

Kurt Busiek has been writing comic books since 1982. He has written several series for Marvel, including The Avengers, and won acclaim for his work on the four-issue miniseries Marvels. In 1995 he launched his own super hero multiverse with his series Astro City.

The contributing author

Kevin Feige, President, Marvel Studios, and Chief Creative Officer, Marvel, has been the driving creative force behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is a hands-on producer, responsible for all 23 interconnected feature films in the MCU.

The artists

Stan Lee (1922–2018) is known to millions as the man whose super heroes propelled Marvel to its preeminent position in the comic book industry. His co-creations include Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and hundreds of others. While the Chairman Emeritus of Marvel, he was also the Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment, where he created numerous new characters and stories in areas including publishing, film, TV reality, stage, documentary, and multimedia.

Jack Kirby (1917–1994) was one of comics' most legendary and prolific artists whose notable co-creations include Captain America, Avengers, X-Men, Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Thor.

Marvel Comics Library. Avengers. Vol. 1. 1963–1965

Famous First Edition: First printing of 5,000 numbered copies

Kurt Busiek, Kevin Feige, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Hardcover, 28 x 39.5 cm, 4.44 kg, 630 pages

ISBN 978-3-8365-8234-6

Edition: English
