Miquel Barcelo is a contemporary Spanish artist known for his experimental approach to painting and sculpture. Whether utilizing bleach, organic matter, or even live insects, Barcelo s Neo-Expressionist oeuvre explores decomposition,
light, and the natural landscape. Born in 1957 in Majorca, Spain, he credits the influence of Lucio Fontana. His work is both abstract and cerebral, as evidenced by his broad range of paintings, ceramics, and installations. In 2011 Barcelo exhibited his sculpture in New York s Union Square. The artist, who is currently living and working in Paris and Majorca, has works in the collections of the Guggenheim Bilbao, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, among others.
米格尔·巴塞洛(Miquel Barcelo)是一位当代西班牙艺术家,以其实验性的绘画和雕塑方法而闻名。无论是利用漂白剂、有机物,甚至是活的昆虫,巴塞洛的新表现主义作品都在探索分解、光线和自然景观。1957年出生于西班牙马略卡岛,他认为自己受到了卢西奥·方塔纳(Lucio Fontana)的影响。他的作品既是抽象的,又是理智的,这从他广泛的绘画、陶瓷和装置作品中可以看出。2011年,巴塞洛在纽约的联合广场展出了他的雕塑作品。这位艺术家目前在巴黎和马略卡岛生活和工作,他的作品被毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆、纽约现代艺术博物馆和马德里索菲亚王后国家博物馆等收藏。