跟随摄影师 Frédéric Chaubin 踏上一段犭虫特的、跨越世纪的欧洲之旅。 《石器时代》以 21 个国家 200
多座建筑的图像为特色,以前所未囿的收藏展示了非洲大陆引人注目的中世纪城堡的历史和建筑。 肖宾在 CCCP
该系列作品采用林霍夫 (Linhof) 观景相机拍摄,是五年旅行和调查的成果。城堡配有实用地图和解说文章,讲述了 400 年来的故事,从封建中世纪一直延续到
15 世纪。 《石器时代》对腐烂和耐久性进行了摄影研究,追溯了其中一些奇异结构的历史,这些结构至今仍令观众着迷,并在我们的集体想象中占据着犭虫特而神秘的地位。
Follow photographer Frédéric Chaubin as he embarks on a unique, century-
spanning journey through Europe. Featuring images of more than 200 buildings
in 21 countries, Stone Age presents the history and architecture of the most
dramatic medieval castles of the continent in an unprecedented collection.
Building on the success of his foray into Soviet design with CCCP, Chaubin
once again documents the afterlife of highly rational structures that seem out
of place in a modern-day world. Precursors of Brutalism, these castles value
function over form and epitomize the raw materials and shapes that would go on
to define so much of architectural history. Shot on film with a Linhof view
camera, the collection is the outcome of five years of travel and
investigation. Complete with a practical map and explanatory essay, its
castles tell the story of 400 years, unfolding through the feudal Middle Ages
into the 15th century. A photographic study of decay as much as endurance,
Stone Age traces the history of some of these singular structures that
continue to enchant their audiences today and that occupy a distinct, mystical
place in our collective imagination.