为纪念世界**运动鞋品牌Golden Goose20周年,他们出版了**本书,也是关于Golden Goose的**本书。
这本书是一场了解Golden Goose个性、家族和社区的旅程,包含采访、故事和幕后花絮:他们的创意世界、生产和真实。
本书特色:原缝书脊,金色印刷的书架标记,书中嵌入鞋带,并通过与书结合的数字应用程序提供深入信息。来自绿洲的Noel Gallagher、设计师Virgil Abloh、Offwhite的创始人和路易威登男装的创意总监以及美国国家橄榄球联盟明星DeAndre Hopkins为本书撰文。
To mark its 20th anniversary, this is the first book by and about Golden Goose, the world-famous sneaker brand.
This book is a journey into the Golden personality, family and community, with interviews, stories and behind-the-
scenes glimpses of its world of creativity, manufacture and authenticity.
This volume features: spine with raw stitching, gold printed shelf mark, paper exchanges, laces inserted in the book and in-
depth information through the digital app combined with the volume. With contributions from Noel Gallagher from Oasis, designer Virgil Abloh founder of Offwhite and creative director of Louis Vuitton menswear, and NFL star DeAndre Hopkins.