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【40th Anniversary Edition】Bruegel. The Complete Paintings,勃鲁盖尔.绘画全集- Taschen40周年纪念版
ISBN条码: 9783836580960
ISBN: 9783836580960
Publisher出版社: TASCHEN
Language版别: 英文版English
Category分类: 英文艺术图书--英文外国美术--英文外国美术-15至18世纪
Authors作者: Jürgen Müller
Pub Date出版日期: 2020-08-01 00:00:00
Binding装帧: 精装
Pages页数: 512


老彼得·勃鲁盖尔(Pieter Bruegel the Elder,约



专着,塔申在该专着中对艺术家的作品进行了全面的摄影调查。结果拥有非凡的细节和复制品,以前所未囿的清晰度揭示了勃鲁盖​​尔传奇般的宇宙。为了庆祝我们成立 40

周年,这本书展示了全部 40 幅画作,并附有放大的细节和易于理解、身临其境的文本。关于该系列 TASCHEN 40!自 1980


已成为无障碍出版的代名词,以无与伦比的价格帮助世界各地的书虫策划自己的艺术、人类学和椿药图书馆。金天,我们恪守公司信条,庆祝精彩图书问世 40 周年。 40

系列推出了我们项目中一些日月星的新版本 - 现在更加紧凑,价格更友好,并且仍然以同样的承诺实现了无可挑剔的生产。


The life and times of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (c. 1526/30–1569) were marked

by stark cultural conflict. He witnessed religious wars, the Duke of Alba’s

brutal rule as governor of the Netherlands, and the palpable effects of the

Inquisition. To this day, the Flemish artist remains shrouded in mystery. We

know neither where nor exactly when he was born. But while early scholarship

emphasized the vernacular character of his painting and graphic work, modern

research has attached greater importance to its humanistic content.Starting

out as a print designer for publisher Hieronymus Cock, Bruegel produced

numerous print series that were distributed throughout Europe. These depicted

vices and virtues alongside jolly peasant festivals and sweeping landscape

panoramas. He then increasingly turned to painting, working for the cultural

elite of Antwerp and Brussels. Rather than idealizing reality, he bravely

confronted the issues of his day, addressing the horrors of religious warfare

and taking a critical stand against the institution of the Church. To this

end, Bruegel developed his own pictorial language of dissidence, lacing

innocuous everyday scenes with subliminal statements in order to escape

repercussions.This book is derived from our XXL monograph, which saw TASCHEN

undertake a comprehensive photographic survey of the artist’s oeuvre. The

result boasts exceptional details and reproductions, unveiling Bruegel’s

larger-than-life universe with unprecedented clarity. This volume, in

celebration of our 40th anniversary, presents all 40 paintings, accompanied by

enlarged details and accessible, immersive texts.About the seriesTASCHEN is

40! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has

become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the

world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an

unbeatable price. Today we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying

true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the

stars of our program―now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized

with the same commitment to impeccable production.
