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【40th Anniversary Edition】Basquiat,巴斯奎特- Taschen40周年纪念版
【40th Anniversary Edition】Basquiat,巴斯奎特- Taschen40周年纪念版
ISBN条码: 9783836580922
Publisher出版社: TASCHEN
Language版别: 英文版English
Category分类: 艺术图书Art
Authors作者: Hans Werner Holzwarth, Eleanor Nairne
Pub Date出版日期: 2020-07-01 00:00:00
Series系列: 精装

畅销的巴斯奎特专著的精简版。巴斯奎特(Basquiat)开创性的油画、素描和笔记本素描的崭新复制品,以及编辑汉斯•沃纳•霍尔兹沃特(Hans Werner Holzwarth)和策展人兼艺术史学家埃莉诺•奈恩(Eleanor Nairne)的文字使我们可以近距离接触这位等同于20世纪80年代的纽约的传奇人物。

Hans Werner Holzwarth, Eleanor Nairne
精装本,15.6 x 21.7厘米,1.41公斤,512页

让•米歇尔•巴斯奎特(Jean-Michel Basquiat)的传奇一如既往地富有感染力。这位画家是是20世纪80年代的纽约的代名词。他以SAMO的标签首次出现在20世纪70年代后期,在这座城市的墙壁上喷出苛刻的评论和零散的诗歌。他的出现是蓬勃发展的地下圈子的一部分,这个圈子包含视觉艺术和涂鸦,嘻哈,后朋克和DIY电影制作,它们在迅速发展的艺术世界中相遇。作为具有强烈个人声音的画家,巴斯奎特很快就闯入了既定的环境,他的作品在世界各地的画廊中展出。

巴斯奎特(Basquiat)富有表现力的风格建立在粗犷的人物以及被整合的单词和短语的基础上。他的作品灵感来自爵士,拳击和篮球等领域的名人,并涉及神秘的历史和街头生活的政治色彩。因此当被问及他的主题时,巴斯奎特回答“忠诚,英雄主义和街头风”。 1983年,他开始与最**的艺术明星安迪•沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)合作,1985年他登上《纽约时报》杂志的封面。尽管巴斯奎特去世时才27岁,他已经成为当时最成功的艺术家之一。

这本前所未有的书籍深入介绍了巴斯奎特的艺术,**次出版时采用了XXL开本。如今,为了庆祝TASCHEN 40周年,推出了精简和通俗易懂的版本。他最具开创性的油画、素描和笔记本速写的崭新复制品生动地再现了巴斯奎特错综复杂的标识和涂鸦的文字。编辑汉斯•沃纳•霍尔兹瓦尔特(Hans Werner Holzwarth)撰写的作者介绍以及策展人和艺术史学家埃莉诺•奈恩(Eleanor Nairne)撰写的一篇关于他的主题和艺术发展的文章进一步阐释了他的标识和文字。插图丰富,按年编排的章节断纸介绍了这位画家的生平,并引用了他自己的陈述和当代评论,以提供个人背景和历史背景。

Hans Werner Holzwarth是一位书籍设计师和和专攻当代艺术和摄影的编辑。他参与过的TASCHEN书籍包括珍藏版的《Jeff Koons》、《Christopher Wool》、《Albert Oehlen》、《Ai Weiwei》,和《David Hockney SUMO A Bigger Book》,以及XXL尺寸的《Jean-Michel Basquiat》等专著和概述书籍,如《现代艺术》和《Art Now!》卷3和卷4。

Eleanor Nairne是巴比肯艺术馆的策展人。她曾参与过许多备受赞誉的展览和出版物,包括《巴斯奎特:真实的繁荣》(2017年)和《伊姆兰•克雷西:阴影深处》(2016年)。在加入Barbican之前,她策划了在泰特博物馆举办的展览 Artangel Collection。她经常撰写目录,之前还担任过Jerwood的常驻作家。

Hans Werner Holzwarth, Eleanor Nairne
精装本,15.6 x 21.7厘米,1.41公斤,512页

ISBN 978-3-8365-8092-2

ISBN 978-3-8365-8090-8

ISBN 978-3-8365-8091-5

ISBN 978-3-8365-8134-9

A condensed edition of the best-selling Basquiat monograph. Pristine reproductions of Basquiat’s seminal paintings, drawings, and notebook sketches, as well as texts by editor Hans Werner Holzwarth and curator and art historian Eleanor Nairne, bring us up close and personal to a legend synonymous with 1980s New York.
Hans Werner Holzwarth, Eleanor Nairne
Hardcover, 15.6 x 21.7 cm, 1.41 kg, 512 pages

The legend of Jean-Michel Basquiat is as strong as ever. Synonymous with 1980s New York, the artist first appeared in the late 1970s under the tag SAMO, spraying caustic comments and fragmented poems on the walls of the city. He appeared as part of a thriving underground scene of visual arts and graffiti, hip hop, post-punk, and DIY filmmaking, which met in a booming art world. As a painter with a strong personal voice, Basquiat soon broke into the established milieu, exhibiting in galleries around the world.

Basquiat’s expressive style was based on raw figures and integrated words and phrases. His work is inspired by a pantheon of luminaries from jazz, boxing, and basketball, with references to arcane history and the politics of street life—so when asked about his subject matter, Basquiat answered “royalty, heroism and the streets.” In 1983 he started collaborating with the most famous of art stars, Andy Warhol, and in 1985 was on the cover of The New York Times Magazine. When Basquiat died at the age of 27, he had become one of the most successful artists of his time.

First published in an XXL edition, this unprecedented insight into Basquiat’s art is now available in a compact, accessible volume in celebration of TASCHEN’s 40th anniversary. With pristine reproductions of his most seminal paintings, drawings, and notebook sketches, it offers vivid proximity to Basquiat’s intricate marks and scribbled words, further illuminated by an introduction to the artist from editor Hans Werner Holzwarth, as well as an essay on his themes and artistic development from curator and art historian Eleanor Nairne. Richly illustrated year-by-year chapter breaks follow the artist’s life and quote from his own statements and contemporary reviews to provide both personal background and historical context.
The editor
Hans Werner Holzwarth is a book designer and editor specializing in contemporary art and photography. His TASCHEN publications include the Collector’s Editions Jeff Koons, Christopher Wool, Albert Oehlen, Ai Weiwei, and the David Hockney SUMO A Bigger Book, as well as monographs like the XXL-sized Jean-Michel Basquiat and survey books such as Modern Art and Art Now! Vols 3 and 4.

The author
Eleanor Nairne is a curator at the Barbican Art Gallery. She has worked on a number of critically acclaimed exhibitions and publications, including Basquiat: Boom for Real (2017) and Imran Qureshi: Where the Shadows are so Deep (2016). Prior to the Barbican, she was curator of the Artangel Collection at Tate. She is a regular catalogue essayist, a writer for frieze, and a previous Jerwood Writer in Residence.

Basquiat – 40th Anniversary Edition
Hans Werner Holzwarth, Eleanor Nairne
Hardcover, 15.6 x 21.7 cm, 1.41 kg, 512 pages
ISBN 978-3-8365-8092-2
Edition: English

ISBN 978-3-8365-8090-8
Edition: German

ISBN 978-3-8365-8091-5
Edition: French

ISBN 978-3-8365-8134-9
Edition: Spanish

TASCHEN turns 40 this year! Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible publishing, helping bookworms around the world curate their own library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia at an unbeatable price. In 2020, we celebrate 40 years of incredible books by staying true to our company credo. The 40 series presents new editions of some of the stars of our program—now more compact, friendly in price, and still realized with the same commitment to impeccable production.

