对这位大师的参考来源和精美的鞋类草图的真正探讨,一同展示的还有来自国际博物馆藏品的艺术品和这位设计师珍视一些物品,这些艺术品和物品是Louboutin亲自与装饰艺术博物馆馆长奥利维尔•加贝特(Olivier Gabet)一同选出。
这本精美的图书是Christian Louboutin展在巴黎金门宫(2020年2月20日-7月28日)举办之际出版的,为读者们了解这位设计师的生活和天才提供了非常个人化和生动的一瞥。
Perhaps one of the most influential luxury shoe designers of our time, Christian Louboutin s signature high stilettos and lacquer-red soles have become true cultural staples and fashion must-
haves. In this new volume the inimitable designer reveals the influences behind his shoes, drawing on his encyclopedic knowledge of objects and artworks. A journey into nearly thirty years of footwear design and excellence, readers uncover Louboutin s vivid creative universe filled with Amazonian bird feathers, Kachina dolls, crosses, masks, crowns, and the shoes they inspired.
A true look into the master s references, exquisite drawings and sketches of footwear juxtapose against artworks from international museum collections and some of the designer s cherished objects, which Louboutin personally selected in tandem with Olivier Gabet, the director of the Musee des Arts Decoratifs. Surrealist photographs of Louboutin s dazzling creations by Jean-
Vincent Simonet bring electric, sensual style to the pages while a visceral dialogue between the designer and writer Eric Reinhardt runs through this veritable Wunderkammer of a book. Published on the occasion of the Christian Louboutin Exhibition show at the Palais de la Porte Doree in Paris (February 20 July 28, 2020), this exquisite piece of bookmaking offers a highly personal, vivid glimpse into the designer s life and genius.