这可能会是你玩过的**的电影主题酒吧问答游戏,而且不用经历第二天早上的宿醉痛苦! 从英勇的女主人公,**的结局台词和获奖导演,到好莱坞的黄金时代,令人难忘的失败电影和电影界**的特许经营权,这本书中的1600多个问题涵盖了电影的各个方面。
Imagine the best movie-
themed pub quiz you've ever been to, but without suffering the hangover the next morning! From heroic heroines, famous final lines and award-winning directors, to Hollywood's golden age, memorable movie flops and the film world's biggest franchises, the book's over 1,600 questions cover every aspect of the movies. Thrown in among the brain-
testing questions are a series of visual quizzes and challenges-including an It's a Wonderful Life spot-the-
difference and the world premiere of a Jean-Claude van Damme-themed wordsearch! The Movie Quiz Book is illustrated by Sophie Mo