佛罗伦萨画家波提切利代表了文艺复兴初期的“黄金时代”。波提切利以《维纳斯和普里默维拉的诞生》(Birth of Venus and Primavera)最为人所知,他的绘画表现主义诗意十足,避免了形式现实主义。他使用线条和色彩营造出绚丽的效果,创造了有史以来最受人喜爱和熟悉的图像。这本书充满了复制得无可挑剔的图像,提供了整版跨页的杰作以及较小细节的重点,使观看者可以欣赏这位艺术家技术和作品的方方面面。按时间顺序排列,这本书涵盖了反映最新学术研究的重要传记和历史事件。其他信息包括作品列表,时间表和进一步阅读的建议。
Now available in a flexi format, this book is a magnificent survey of watercolour masterpieces from artists such as Turner, Blake, Constable, and Whistler. This beautiful volume documents an important moment in the history of the watercolour, as its practitioners moved from the tinted drawings to the creation of fully fledged works of art that rivaled oil paintings in their expressiveness and technical brilliance. With its rolling hills, cloud-laden skies and ever-shifting light, Britain was the perfect setting for such a revolution, as artists packed sketchbooks, brushes and paints, and headed for the countryside. Authors Wilton and Lyles document the evolution of the British watercolour, from the more classically inspired eighteenth-century landscapes to the vivid experiments in Naturalism and Romanticism, with their concomitant studies in light and atmosphere. Over 300 exquisite reproductions allow readers to appreciate the delicate colours and fine lines of these important works, while the authors' authoritative and eminently readable texts enhance the overall experience of witnessing the birth of an independent medium, and some of the most breathtaking examples of watercolours the world has ever known.