这本具有里程碑意义的合集展示了安迪•沃霍尔在1949年至1987年之间设计的所有唱片封面,记录了这位流行偶像终身与音乐的缘分,并阐述了为**多样性的全部作品,现已推出扩充版。贝西伯爵,柴可夫斯基,艾瑞莎•富兰克林,娄•里德,戴安娜•罗斯,约翰•列侬和滚石乐队的音乐都因为安迪•沃霍尔设计的唱片封面而销量增加。这本精美的书籍重现了沃霍尔在过去40年间设计的所有专辑封面(正面和背面)。几百张额外的背景插图展示了衬纸笔记和内部封面,与沃霍尔的相关作品以及描述这位艺术家视觉资源的文献图像。作者Paul Maréchal探索了沃霍尔的创作过程,他与多位艺术家的关系以及他对所有音乐流派的痴迷。通过这些唱片封面表现的音乐范围,从爵士乐到古典乐,从摇滚乐到灵魂乐,都彰显了沃霍尔的音乐品味的广度以及他将自己的艺术视野与音乐人士的视野相结合的非凡能力。
Count Basie, Tchaikovsky, Aretha Franklin, Lou Reed, Diana Ross, John Lennon and the Rolling Stones all had their music promoted by Andy Warhol's record covers. This stunning volume reproduces all of the album covers, front and back, that Warhol designed over four decades. Hundreds of additional contextual illustrations present liner notes and inside covers, related works by Warhol and documentary images that trace the artist's visual sources. Author Paul Marechal explores Warhol's creative process, his relationship with artists and his fascination with all genres of music. The range of music represented through these record covers, from jazz to classical and rock to soul, reveals the breadth of Warhol's musical tastes and his extraordinary ability to combine his artistic vision with that of the musicians.