Britta Teckentrup的《蛋》向孩子们介绍了自然界最完美的作品之一。现在,Teckentrup运用相同的泥土色系和精美的插图(这些使她成为深受儿童欢迎的作家),她将目光转向了无限迷人的羽毛。它们是什么做的?为什么鸟有这么多羽毛?它们如何帮助鸟类飞行?它们还有其它作用吗?通过提供对这些问题和其他问题的通俗易懂的答案,这本令人愉快的书向小读者们介绍了“plumology”的奇迹,同时还用迷人的插图将吸引他们。这本精美的书将艺术与科学完美融合,满足了小读者们对周围世界的自然好奇心。
The creator of The Egg returns to her avian explorations with this wondrous, charming, and informative examination of feathers.
Hailed as "a magnificent volume that offers hours of lingering pleasure... fertile ground for conversation and imagination," (Midwest Book Review) Britta Teckentrup's The Egg introduced children to one of nature's most perfect creations. Now, employing the same earth-tone coloring and delicate illustrations that have made her an enormously popular children's author, Teckentrup turns her gaze to the endlessly fascinating feather. What are they made of? Why do birds have so many of them? How do they help birds fly? And what other purpose do they serve? By providing accessible answers to these and other questions, this delightful book introduces young readers to the wonders of "plumology," while also drawing them in with enchanting illustrations. An exquisitely rendered fusion of art and science, this marvelous book satisfies young readers' natural curiosity about the world around them.