第二次世界大战后在东德建造的建筑物经常被当作单调的苏联式预制水泥块而被摒弃。但是,德意志民主共和国的建筑设计着眼于现代性和效率,并预示着一个新国家和新的经济与社会体系的诞生。汉斯•恩格斯(Hans Engels)遍历整个东德,拍摄了幸免于拆除的标志性现代主义建筑。从电影院,高层建筑,饭店到博物馆,会议中心和公交车站,这些建筑都经受住了时间的考验。尽管推动其设计的理念可能已过时,但其复古魅力却比以往任何时候都强。
This visually arresting tour through the former East Germany shows the best examples of modernist architecture still standing there today.
The buildings constructed in East Germany after the Second World War are often dismissed as drab, Soviet-
style, prefabricated blocks of cement. But the architecture of the German Democratic Republic was created with an eye toward modernity and efficiency, and heralded the birth of a new country and a new economic and social system. Hans Engels has traveled throughout East Germany to photograph iconic modernist buildings that survived demolition. From movie theaters, high-
rises, and restaurants to museums, convention centers, and transit stations, these buildings have all stood the test of time. While the philosophy that drove their design may be outdated, their retro appeal is stronger than ever.