在19世纪下半叶,技术的空前发展导致旅行和摄影的碰撞。探险者能够记录他们的旅程,在艰苦的地形上拖着大量设备。成果是令人叹为观止的。这本照片集将带领读者们进行一次具有历史意义的全球之旅,这趟旅行涵盖五大洲,提供了那些早已消失的世界的可见记录。本书始于金字塔和尼罗河之间的北非,带领读者从撒哈拉沙漠经过喀麦隆,埃塞俄比亚和桑给巴尔来到南非。旅程继续从南美洲到北美洲,拍摄了巴塔哥尼亚的合恩角附近的部落,沿着亚马逊河的探险,巴拿马运河,黄石公园,纽约市的火车和加拿大的因纽特人部落。穿越欧洲的旅程从科隆大教堂开始,穿过阿尔卑斯山,到达那不勒斯,再经过巴尔干半岛再到奥斯曼帝国。本书以波斯,蒙古,日本,印度,爪哇以及澳大利亚的图像作为结尾。230张主要为双色调的图像包括威廉•亨利•杰克逊(William Henry Jackson),菲利娅•贝托(Felice Beato),蒂莫西•奥沙利文(Timothy O'Sullivan),林奈•特里普(Linnaeus Tripe),塞缪尔•伯恩(Samuel Bourne)等摄影师的作品。在专家评论的搭配下,这些图像为西方社会如何超越国界来面对和重新构想世界提供了宝贵的启示。
Rediscover the world through some of the earliest travel photographs ever taken in this unrivaled collection of images that capture the excitement of travel and chart the evolution of photography.
In the second half of the 19th century, unprecedented advances in technology resulted in the collision of travel and photography. Explorers were able to document their journeys, hauling enormous amounts of equipment over arduous terrain. The results were breathtaking. This collection of photographs takes readers on a historic global tour that includes five continents and offers a visible record of worlds long-since vanished. Beginning in North Africa amid the pyramids and along the Nile, this book takes readers down through the Sahara to South Africa via Cameroon, Ethiopia, and Zanzibar. The journey continues from South to North America, capturing images of the tribes near Cape Horn in Patagonia, an expedition down the Amazon River, the Panama Canal, Yellowstone Park, trains in New York City, and the Inuit tribes of Canada. The journey across Europe goes from Cologne Cathedral, over the Alps, down to Naples, via the Balkans through to the Ottoman Empire. The book concludes with images from Persia to Mongolia, along with Japan, India, Java, and ending in Australia. The 230 mostly duotone images include the works of William Henry Jackson, Felice Beato, Timothy O'Sullivan, Linnaeus Tripe, Samuel Bourne, and many others. Accompanied by expert commentary, these images shed invaluable light on the ways Western societies confronted and reimagined the world beyond their borders.