在晚年,毕加索以新的活力拥抱绘画、素描和雕塑。当他在数百幅作品中不停描绘他的第二任妻子杰奎琳·毕加索(Jacqueline Picasso)时,毕加索对女性形象的痴迷变得更加强烈,超过了其他任何一位缪斯女神。这本书为公众展现了从未展出过的作品,以及许多很少被人看到的作品,这些作品都可以追溯到毕加索职业生涯的晚期。精美复制的图像揭示了毕加索在他年老时继续重塑艺术的方式。这本书还对毕加索同时代人对他的全部作品的这一阶段的反应做出论述,他与年轻艺术家和流行文化的关系,以及杰奎琳·毕加索在这位艺术家不朽的遗产中所扮演的关键角色进行了精彩的剖析。
In his late years, Picasso embraced painting, drawing, and sculpture with renewed vigor. His obsession with the female form grew more intense as he portrayed Jacqueline Picasso, his second wife, in hundreds of works, more than any of his other muses. This book offers the public the first chance to view never-before exhibited works and many that are rarely seen, all dating from the late period of Picasso's career. Beautifully reproduced images reveal the ways Picasso continued to reinvent his art as he aged. This book also features fascinating insights into how Picasso's contemporaries reacted to this stage of his oeuvre, his relationships with younger artists and with popular culture, and the pivotal role played by Jacqueline Picasso within the artist's enduring legacy.