摄影师Steve Schapiro 和 Lawrence Schiller捕捉了芭芭拉•史翠珊在好莱坞崭露头角时在拍摄场景、在路上和在摄影棚的时刻。这部为史翠珊的粉丝打造的不可错过的收藏版包含100多张从未公布过的照片,每本书都附有照片“去往伦敦的史翠珊”。该照片记录了电影《姻缘订三生》拍摄时与这位明星的一个亲密瞬间,上面有Schiller的签名和标号。
艺术版(No. 101–200)的每一本都有Lawrence Schiller亲笔签名,并附有签名的照片“去往伦敦的史翠珊(1969)”
On the set, on the road, and in the studio, photographers Steve Schapiro and Lawrence Schiller capture Barbra Streisand as her Hollywood star rises. Featuring more than 100 never-before-published pictures, this must-have collection for any Streisand fan comes with the signed and numbered print Streisand En Route to London by Schiller, an intimate moment with the star during the filming of On a Clear Day You Can See Forever.
Art Edition (No. 101–200), each signed by Lawrence Schiller, with the signed print Streisand En Route to London (1969)